How do I earn extra holiday cash?

Audio transcription may not be 100% accurate:

Have you thought about the holidays yet? I know this year 2020 has been a crazy year. But before you know it, we're gonna have Halloween.

Then we're gonna have thanksgiving, and then it's gonna be Christmas and then new year's. So what do we need to do to prep and prepare for those holidays?

We need to earn some holiday cash. Holiday cash is gonna pay for the Halloween candy, thanksgiving meal, the Christmas gifts, and the Christmas dinner and maybe even a little bit of celebrating to get out of 2020.

Well, to do that, get that holiday cash. Let's get you signed up. At total resource staffing. So like I said it before it's easy as 1 2 3. Apply online.

Visit us in office, start a job. So visit us at fill out the application, visit one of our offices and see what we can do to get you started.

We have an office on the east side at 49 56 east 56th street and we have an office on the west side of 54 50 lafayette road. Visit us and see what we can do to get you started. We have plenty of job opportunities to earn that holiday cash we have opportunities and whites town. We have plenty of opportunities in Plainfield.

We have our opportunities all around Indianapolis. So what's stopping you from stopping in and visiting with us? Hope to see you soon.


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