How to start a new job successfully

Audio transcription may not be 100% accurate.

Now that you've accepted position, here are some helpful do's and dont's for the first few days and weeks on an assignment. Do dress for the position you're accepting.

Working in a warehouse environment is most likely a different dress code than working in an office environment. Make sure to discuss the dress code with your recruiter.

Also, make sure you have all your PPE personal protective equipment on or with you. When you report, do you come prepared to start your assignment?

Arriving. Prepared to start your day is beneficial to you and your supervisor. This shows your desire to make a good impression and your willingness to work. But be patient, so there are times we may have to wait on your trainer or your supervisor to get you started.

Be flexible. Your supervisor will appreciate that. Do not complain. If you start off slow in your new position. Remain positive.

Don't complain to your new coworker's. This will set off a negative undertone that you're not intending. Do ask questions. Many new employees are timid to ask questions.

Don't be. It's better to ask a question and do the job right than to not ask and make a mistake. Questions about day to day tasks are encouraged, but try to avoid questions that make you appear uninterested, such as when is break?

When do I get to go home, or can I come in late tomorrow? Try to avoid these type of questions. Do not participate in gossip or negative conversations.

Once you participate, it's hard to get out, and you can put a negative light on yourself. Do not use your cell phone while you're working. Check your phone on your brakes and on your lunch.

And don't let your cellphone distract you from doing your job. Do engage. Show your willingness to work by arriving on time or early every day and working hard.

Check in with your supervisor or team lead to ensure all goals are being met and report back from breaks and lunch on time. It's kind of important shows your engagement with the position that you accepted following all these helpful do's and dont's will make you a successful employee


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