How automation will impact manufacturing jobs

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In this video we're gonna be taking a look at a report from the world economic forum, titled the future of #jobs report. Our topic relating to this is, how #automation is creating new work within #manufacturing and distribution facilities? In the next four years. More than 75 million jobs may be lost as companies shift to more automation, according to estimates by the world economic forum. But the projections have an upside. Approximately 133 million new jobs will emerge during that period as businesses develop a new division of labor between people and machines. The future of jobs report confirms that a key challenge for the future of work will be equipping staff with new skills and fostering workplace flexibility. It is critical that businesses take an active role in supporting their existing workforce is through re skilling and up skilling. The individuals take a proactive approach to their own lifelong learning and that governments creating enabling environment rapidly and creatively to assist in these efforts. We're currently in the middle of what the world economic forum calls the fourth industrial revolution. During this time, new categories of jobs will emerge partially or wholly displacing others. The skill set required in both old and new occupations will change in most industries and transform how and where people work. It may also affect female and male workers differently and transform the dynamics of the industry gender gap.


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